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A cabinet of clothes, but because of the lack of novelty, or feel not fashionable, and still want to buy new clothes? Actually don’t have to, really, you only need to add a bright spot to your existing clothes, they might be from “ordinary clothes” easily become the “advanced” modelling, the charm of coruscate gives better than new clothes.

British actor Sai Bennett with golden hand bag and pointed high-heeled shoes to foil emerald dress, the color is a classic.
Print dress if you like, then tell you a truth: please avoid chemical fiber, such as cheap material.Hard to make cheap material color pure, rich texture of high-grade printing.Printing is out of date and full of seasonal feeling, such as tropical printing is still popular today, and tomorrow is a flower, so, avoid wearing "out-of-season goods" awkward, choose abstract printing, oil painting, the texture of the brush or geometric printing will be better.

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